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PinkShark Gaming

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PinkShark Gaming

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    Platform Racing 2; Guía del Principiante (Inglés)

    Kiff M. Rose
    Kiff M. Rose
    Admin. King
    Admin. King

    Masculino Google Chrome
    Edad : 31
    Hobby : Música, Videojuegos, PC
    Música PreferidaGlam&Sleaze Metal.
    Mensajes : 3385
    Miembro desde : 08/11/2007
    Reputación Reputación : 25

    Tema Platform Racing 2; Guía del Principiante (Inglés)

    Mensaje por Kiff M. Rose Vie 01 Mayo 2009, 22:23

    Esta es la guia completa para los jugadores de platform racing que empiecen a jugar a este juego. Lo unico, que está en inglés, pero se entiende perfectamente.

    Platform Racing 2; Guía del Principiante (Inglés) Pr2guideprt3

    1. Platform Racing 2-This is the title of the game, and the common abbreviation for it is PR2.

    2. Log in-When you click this, you will encounter
    something that requires you to type in your name and your password. You
    can also choose a server to go into, and servers that are near the
    number 200 are a little too full, and the numbers that are near 0 are
    basically empty.

    3. Play as guest-When you click this, you choose a server and start playing. However, no data is saved, and you can not chat.

    4.Create Account-When you click this, it is time to make a
    new account! Fill in the required information. One optional information
    is the email thing, it helps you get your password back if you forgot
    it or someone changed your password.

    5. Instructions-Click on that and you will see the basic controls for RACING ONLY.

    6. Credits-Click on that to view who made this game and the music!

    7. Speaker-Toggles the music on or off.

    Platform Racing 2; Guía del Principiante (Inglés) Pr2guide

    1. Your name-Your name is displayed there.

    2. Your rank-Your rank is displayed there. Your rank gets higher for the more races you play.

    3. Your hats-How many hats you have are displayed there.
    There is the exp hat, kong hat, crown hat, santa hat, cowboy hat, and
    prop hat. For more information on hats, click here.

    4. Change password-When you click that, enter your old
    password and enter an entirely new password. The new password is then
    officially your new password.

    5. Character assortment-Click on the arrows to see what bodies, shoes, etc. you can wear. Don't forget about the hats!

    6. Color assortment-Click on the squares and choose a color. When you clicked on the color, your corresponding part will have the same color!

    7. Points remaining-The leftover of how much points you get can be added to your stats. The higher rank you have, the more points you have!

    8. Speed-The closer the number is to 100, the faster you will run and the faster you will move in the air!

    9. Acceleration-The closer the number is to 100, the
    faster you can get to your top speed, you can move faster in water, and
    you can move faster when you are going in 1 block passages!

    10. Jumping-The closer the number is to 100, the higher you can jump!

    11. Chat-Click on that to talk to various people.

    12. PMs-Click on that to view your PMs! [Private Messages]

    13. Players-Click on that to view players, as well as your friends and ignored people!

    14. Account-The overview of your stats and such.

    15. Games-Here are your courses. Each course varies from
    one another, so you will race a new course! Click on one of the bars to
    get started. Click play, or wait for more people. The titles are
    labeled in black, and the people's names who made it are under it.

    16. Campaign-Basic courses that you should try. It's a great whole of fun!

    17. All Time Best-Click there and you will see courses that are highly rated! But don't play scam courses, they are completely false.

    18. Today's Best-Click there and you will see courses that are highly rated for the day!

    19. Newest-Click there and you will see courses that are made by members.

    20. Search-Click there, type a name, and you can view their levels!

    21. Kongregate-Play PR2 there to receive a hat!

    22. Level Editor-Click there to design a new level!

    23. Log out-Click there to log out of the game, therefore ending your fun.

    24. Options-Click there to toggle some stuff, such as backgrounds and sound graphics.

    25. Speaker-Click there to toggle the sound on or off.

    Platform Racing 2; Guía del Principiante (Inglés) Pr2guideprt5

    1. Name-That is the name of the person's profile you are viewing.

    2. Offline/Online-That is to see if the person is online or offline.

    3. Group-There are 4 groups. Admin, mod, members, and guests. Respect your mods and admins! [For the most part. xP]

    4. Hats-That is to see how many hats they have.

    5. Rank-That is to see what rank they are.

    6. Send PM-That is to send them a private message. Don't give out your password!

    7. View Levels-Click that and you will see the levels they made.

    8. Add to friends-Click that to add that person as your friend!

    9. Ignore-Click that to ignore that person. You can not view their chat messages and pms.

    10. Close-Click that to close their profile.

    Platform Racing 2; Guía del Principiante (Inglés) Pr2guideprt4

    1. Items-When you hit an item box, you will receive a item. Click here to see more about items.

    2. Map-The black blocks are blocks, the yellow block is you and other players, and the green block is the finish.

    3. Time-You must hit the finish block before the time runs out!

    4. You-That is you.

    5. Finish Blocks-Hit that to finish the game!

    6. Chat-Click the chat box and type away! When you are finished typing, press enter.

    7. Music-In PR2, there are many different kind of musics. Listen to all of them to figure out which one you like best.

    8. Quit-Click that to forfeit the race.

    9. Speaker-Have we seen this before? Click that to toggle the sound on or off.

    Platform Racing 2; Guía del Principiante (Inglés) Pr2guideprt2

    1. Blocks-Click here for more information on blocks.

    2. Blocks Button-Click on that to put/delete blocks.

    3. + 4. + 5. Layer 1, 2, 3- Layer 1, 2, 3 is mainly for
    art. You can draw stuff or put pre-made images. Layer 1 is the closest
    to the screen, Layer 2 is further back, and Layer 3 is at the back of
    the line.

    6. BG-Background, click on one of them to put in a pre-made background! Or use a color is a background.

    7. Settings-Click on that to play around with some mechanical stuff.

    8. Music-Choose what the standard music is for that course.

    9. Level- That is the minimum rank for someone to play
    your level. If you set the minimum rank to 20, only people that are
    rank 20 and 20+ can play the level.

    10. Gravity-The higher the number is on the gravity, the heavier you are, the lower the number is on the gravity, the lighter you are.

    11. Time-Set the standard of the time. Remember, 60 seconds are 1 minute.

    12. Items-Click on the item that you don't/do want in your level.

    13. P1, P2, P3, P4-This shows where P1, P2, P3, and P4 are starting.

    14. Save-Click on that to save the level. You can also choose the title name, some notes, and whether to upload it or not.

    15. Load-Click on that to load your previous made levels.

    16. Test-Click that to test your level.

    17. New-Click on that to make an entirely new level.

    18. Exit-Click on that to exit the level editor, you will
    return to the main page or where you were previously before you entered
    the level editor.

    19. Zoom-The higher the percent is, the closer the screen will zoom, the lower the percent is, the farther the screen will zoom.

    20. Undo-Click undo to get rid of something.

    21. Redo-Click redo to get back something.

    22. Speaker-The speaker AGAIN????? Click on that to toggle the speaker on or off.

    By RedxWings

    Saludos :obey:

      Fecha y hora actual: Lun 06 Mayo 2024, 12:35